Mission Zero Academy – is a community that brings together small and medium-sized business leaders, local decision-makers and other professionals who want to implement an effective zero waste strategy and promote the development of a circular economy.


MiZA is a reliable partner for experience and learning. Their support system is based on evidence and can be your guiding light on the path to excellence in resource management and zero waste practices.

MiZA strives to offer its clients the best high quality training, mentoring and certification solutions that have proven to be effective in practice. At the same time, they provide certified tools to improve waste management efficiency. By registering with MiZA, you will find a wide range of training materials on waste management and the circular economy. You will join webinars led by experts and participate in practical study tours and workshops.


How long does it take to get Zero Waste City certification?

We interviewed Mission Zero Academy and the Zero Waste Europe team to answer the most frequently asked questions.

Zero Waste Cities certification is a standard that is assessed by a third party. It consists of two stages. The first is to become a candidate for certification. The second is confirmation of certification by local municipalities. The main goal of implementing the standard is to accelerate the transition to zero waste and build a circular economy at the local level.

Among other benefits, becoming a Zero Waste Certified City can help you meet EU and national requirements and go even further. Save natural and economic resources with numerous opportunities. For example, create new jobs for your community and gain recognition and credibility around the world.

How long does it take to become a Zero Waste City? This will depend on how ready the municipality is to be certified, including how prepared it is in terms of having the data and evidence required for the certification audit.

A municipality can submit its application to become a Zero Waste Candidate City at any time

Once this process is completed and the city becomes part of the network, each municipality has two years to pass the audit and receive the confirmed Zero Waste Certified City status. Of course, it is possible to become certified even before the two-year period from the date of confirmation of candidate status expires.

2 years is the maximum time allowed for the next step to ensure that the Certification rewards real action, not just commitment.

We have set this two-year timeframe because, based on our experience, it is sufficient time for a municipality to have a Zero Waste plan in place and to be able to operate effectively enough to achieve at least the first level of certification.

Of course, each municipality starts this journey from its own starting point and in its own local context.

Together with MiZA, the Certification Mentors will be able to provide municipalities with high quality support and help them develop and implement a Zero Waste Plan, ensuring that the policy is effective and has a positive impact on the local community.

Is MiZA the right choice for you?

Whether you are a mayor looking to implement Zero Waste practices in your city and achieve our prestigious Zero Waste City certification; a CEO of an SME or large enterprise committing to a zero waste business model; or a campaigner with an NGO, MiZA can help. We will be with you every step of the way as you improve your Zero Waste practices and achieve your goals.